Monday, April 4, 2011

Melbourne Guy Goes to Jakarta


yap, Melbourne Guy went to Jakarta two weeks ago *sorry for the late post. :p*

Did we meet? no. Did he told me? yes.

That's kinda ironic,right? 

We planned to meet but suddenly he went with I don't know who. He was at Jakarta for two days only and he told me on the last day he was here. haha *sad laugh*

Really ironic, but what can I say? At least he told me and I tried to make him meet me.

A week goes by and just a few hours ago I chat with him.
He told me that he's sorry because we didn't meet. Then I said, "just chill..."
Then he said, "Thanks". "For what?", I said --tricky question,right? hehe--
"For nothing :) ",he said. --smart answer. *sigh!*

He's pretty much smart at answering question, turn back the question, yeah this is a stay-away-from-him-for-your-own-good type of guy. But, I love risky thing. I can't stop until I know I really can't get him. I believe that I can get any single man I want if I have a good heart and brain. Looks? hmm..average? LOL.

Okay, back to the story.. Well, I don't know what's next. Will we ever gonna meet? Will this relationship gonna last long? Let's just see..

Thanks for reading and God bless you all! 

Emma :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2L + 2T

2L + 2T . What kind of formula is that?

that's Life-Lies mix with Truth-Trust . Yeah, 4 important aspects and I just realize that.

God show me a truth that involves lies and trust. Yes, it's about that Melbourne guy. We had a tough days lately. He disappeared for like two weeks. Then he showed up just like that, told me that he was sorry and he had a problem. Then I pray for him. I support him no matter what. I tried to be there with him, to be a good listener. I even gave him space to just take a time for himself.

Then, I saw his update news from Facebook. He told everybody that he's on Japan then came the Tsunami. I was worried. I pray and  try to contacted him, but he didn't reply.

Until yesterday, I contacted him. He said he was well. Then, suddenly my friend told me that he met that Melbourne Guy last week in BINTARO,JAKARTA, INDONESIA. THAT'S EXACTLY RIGHT ON TIME WHEN HE WAS IN JAPAN.

Then, I asked him. just to make sure. Then he told me that I STALKED HIM! My Gosh! after I pray for him and trying soooo hard to make this relationship goes well, he just pointed me and said that I stalked him.

I can't even cry over that words. Thank God, He gave me strength last night. I was patiently told him the facts and told him  that I'm okay if he's in Jakarta and didn't want to meet me.

He just kept pointed me that I was a liar and I stalked him. Until at one point he just can't say that again and just be cool and told me that he didn't want to tell me whether it's the truth or not.

It's really sad. I mean, I even set my future with him (see my previous post) and even my life after college. I did nothing wrong. I sacrifice my time and always patient for him.

I really don't know what to do next. He's just hard to forget. It's not easy to just forget him and move on. I fall for him.

But I try to tell myself repeatedly that he's not worth to cry. I try to see this problem into many sides. Maybe he is having a problem so he comes to Jakarta. To solve those problems, not for vacation. Or maybe he's just a jerk. I don't have any rights to judge. I just pray that God doesn't punish him so bad. He was an important part of my life. He might need to have the consequence. But, I don't know. maybe something that just show him that life is precious and by respecting 
people, especially women, you use your time wisely. 

No one can make him realize that I may the only girl that sacrifice that much for him, that I am worth it. 
God is the only one who can make him realize. I leave it to God. I surrender all.

Anyways, wish me luck. Hope I can give a good news in the next post. :) bless you all!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

emma goes to her future


Today I'm gonna talk about my future. Yeah, as you all know, I often change my future plan. 

Anndddd,today I ,maybe, finally have my mind focus on my future.

For the short-term, I want to get a nice grade for all my subjects in Psychology of Industrial and Organization .Then, I'll take "seminar" this year. So, next year (pleaseeee oh dear God) I can continue to "Skripsi". And then, I graduated.

Okay, nooow. Life after graduate.

I'm considering for a few plans:

1. Married (MY NO.1 LIST! yeaah!)
2. Working (international company in Jakarta or go to Melbourne)
3. Taking a scholarship for master degree in Melbourne

Now, As you can see. it's all point to Melbourne. Why? You know why. (nb: read my previous blog ;p)
Yeah, maybe I'm in love with him or just attracted to him. Don't know yet, but I'm gonna take this relationship seriously. I don't want to take any silly-fun only-relationship. I have a dream to married in young age. I'm gonna be 22 years old this year and that is not that young, right? I will chase my dream! hehehe.
If I can spend the rest of my life with that Melbourne guy, than I'll be so thankful and so happy. I pray for that all the time. :)

I guess that all for now. see you later,readers! God bless

Saturday, February 19, 2011

man from God

hello 2011 !!

been a loooonnnngg time since I wrote my blog. I'm kinda busy last year, with my college stuff.

but, thank God it's all over and I'm ready to get back with my blog. yeay! *finger cross*

Okay, for the starter. I'm gonna tell you about a man. I called him "man from God".

He was my Sunday School teacher when I was in middle school. We used to hangout after Church with my friends. He's funny and super friendly. But suddenly, he went to Melbourne. After that, we were lost contact.

AAANNNNDDD.. in this 2011, suddenly we met at Facebook. Actually he's been my friend at Facebook for a few months but I didn't really care back then until he said 'hi' at facebook chat. -- thank you dear FACEBOOK :) --

After that, we had a long conversation there and then moved to msn messanger. move forward, we're used to call each other from skype *thank God he's paying for the bill at Skype so I can call him to his cellphone FREE and he can call me from he's cellphone FREE :D*. We also keep chatting at msn messanger. He's such a charming cute funny flirty guy! yet, I like him :)

Yeah, I've been pray for a man that fits my dream and my parent's dream for a long time. And I haven't met it yet since my first boyfriend *he's the only batak and Christian guy that I ever dated*.

And come this man. oooohh. I'm so like him so muchooo! The best part is, God makes it easy. I mean, my parents aren't protest or give any comment, they support me just like my brother did all this year to me. My friends feel okay. The communication goes well..

He's very open and straight-to the point. The problem is, the more I talked with him, the more I enjoy telling him about myself and sometime I forget to ask him back. yeaah, I know I look so selfish. NO! it's just, he's very a good listener, so I feel super comfort to tell him about anything I want.

But with him, I learn how to be patient *especially for this long distance condition*, more mature *we have 10 years age difference*, and learn how to care with other people.

I pray for him *his life and his job* and for our relationship and hoping that this time, this relationship is going to work.

PS: Next year I'm gonna try hard to graduate, and for that, I already search for a job or a master degree at Melbourne. In case this relationhip is going further and deeper, I need to make myself settle and I need to think about my life after college as soon as possible.